KAUST has opened a call for proposals for COVID-19 research to be run on the Shaheen II supercomputer and related resources. Shaheen II joins many supercomputers around the world that have recently reallocated a portion of their resources to campaigns to model the pandemic. “In related news, “COVID-19 and High Performance Computing” is the subject of a special session of the now virtualized ISC 2020 conference, according to Professor David Keyes, Director of KAUST’s Extreme Computing Research Center, who is the Program Chair of the event.”
Shaheen Supercomputer at KAUST Completes Trillion Cell Reservoir Simulation
Over at KAUST News, Nicholas G. Demille writes that the Shaheen supercomputer has completed the world’s first trillion cell reservoir simulation. A Saudi Aramco research team led by fellow Ali Dogru conducted the reservoir simulation using Shaheen and the company’s proprietary software TeraPOWERS. The Aramco researchers were supported by a team of specialists from the KAUST Supercomputing Core Lab, with the work rendering imagery so detailed that it changed the face of natural resource exploration.
KAUST Empowers Researchers to Think Big
In this special guest feature, Jane Glasser writes that Saudi Arabia has moved into the global supercomputing top ten with Shaheen II, a 200,000-core behemoth that’s taming global warming, earthquakes, and more. “With 5.536 Pflops of sustained LINPACK performance, Shaheen II is the largest and most powerful supercomputer in the Middle East and the tenth fastest supercomputer in the world, according to the June 2016 TOP500 list.”