In this video from the HPC User Forum in Tucson, Pat McGarry from Ryft presents: Bringing High Performance Analytics to Every Enterprise – Making Big Data Instantly Relevant.
“Any search tool can match an exact query to structured data—but only after all of the data is indexed. What happens when there are variations? What if the data is unstructured and there’s no time for indexing? That’s the reality of search today,” said Des Wilson, CEO of Ryft. “Enterprises need significantly more advanced and efficient compute power to drive the performance required to unlock insights from dynamic and messy data in time to be valuable to their business. That’s why Ryft developed the first and only platform to enable faster, more accurate and actionable data search and analytics. With the power to complete fuzzy search 600X faster at scale, Ryft has opened up tremendous new possibilities for data-driven advances in every industry.”
The Ryft ONE is the only easy-to-use data analytics platform capable of providing real-time business insights into both historical and streaming data in real time. For the first time, you can conduct the most accurate fuzzy search and matching at the same speed as exact search without spending days or weeks indexing data. And, you’ll have the speed, scalability, simplicity and security you need for real-time intelligence applications like smart retail, fraud prevention, cybersecurity and financial compliance.
Years in the making, the Ryft ONE combines two proven innovations in hardware and software to optimize compute, storage and I/O performance:
- Ryft Hybrid FPGA/x86 Compute Platform – The fastest and most powerful hardware platform on the market, it leverages a massively parallel bitwise computing architecture and up to 48 TB of storage per device to deliver unprecedented performance from the smallest possible form factor.
- Ryft Algorithmic Primitives (RAP) Library – Each Ryft ONE comes with a subscription to the RAP, a growing collection of pre-built algorithm components that include search, term frequency and fuzzy search.