Video: Speeding Up Code with the Intel Distribution for Python

Python-logo-notext.svgIn this video, David Bolton from Slashdot shows how ‘embarrassingly parallel’ code can be sped up by utilizing Intel tools including the Intel Python compiler and OpenMP.

“The Intel Distribution for Python* 2017 Beta program is now available. The Beta product adds new Python packages like scikit-learn, mpi4py, numba, conda, tbb (Python interfaces to Intel Threading Building Blocks) and pyDAAL (Python interfaces to Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library). The Beta also delivers performance improvements for NumPy/SciPy through linking with performance libraries like Intel MKL, Intel Message Passing Interface (Intel MPI), Intel TBB and Intel DAAL.”

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  1. Esteban Hernandez says

    Where i can get the source code of examples ?