Registration Opens for September HPC User Forum at Argonne

Steve Conway and Earl Joseph of Hyperion Research

Registration is now open for the HPC User Forum at Argonne National Lab. The event takes place September 9-11.

Our global steering committee representing leading HPC centers has worked with Hyperion Research to provide a powerful agenda representing key trends at the forefront of government, academic and private sector HPC use around the world. You’ll hear about recent developments in the exascale race, architectures, HPDA-AI, smart cities, cloud computing, industrial-commercial HPC and other important topics.

HPC User Forum Agenda

Monday, September 9, 2019
6:30 PM       Welcome and Special Dinner Reception Event (at the Guest House) 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

7:15 AM       Networking Breakfast (at the Conference center)
8:00 AM       Welcome: Paul Muzio, Rupak Biswas, Earl Joseph and Steve Conway
8:10 AM       Welcome and Overview of HPC at Argonne National Laboratory, David Martin
8:30 AM       HPC Global Market Update, Earl Joseph and Steve Conway, Hyperion Research

                       Morning Session Chair: David Martin

8:45 AM       Future Directions in HPC Architectures, Rick Stevens, ANL
9:30 AM       The Cray Shasta Architecture, Steve Scott, Cray
9:45 AM       Update on Exascale Computing Project (ECP), Doug Kothe, Director, ECP

10:15 AM     Networking Break

10:45 AM     HPC at DOE Office of Science, Steve Binkley (invited)
11:15 AM     ECP Applications Development, Andrew Siegel, ANL
11:45 AM     Vendor technology update: Dell/EMC

12:00 PM     Networking Lunch

                       Afternoon Session Chair: Paul Muzio

1:00 PM       The European Processor Initiative, Jean-Marc Denis, EPI
1:30 PM       CSCS (Swiss National Supercomputing Center) Update, Thomas Schulthess
2:00 PM       Vendor Technical Update NEC
2:15 PM       Addressing Complexity in Leadership-Class Supercomputers, Arno Kolster and Ryan Quick, Providentia Worldwide

2:30 PM       Networking Break

3:00 PM       EPCC/University of Edinburgh Update, Mark Parsons
3:30 PM       Vendor technology update: Intel
3:45 PM       The Cancer Computer, Roy Chartier, Cancer Computer
4:15 PM       Vendor Technical Update (AWS)
4:30 PM       Cloud Computing Research Findings, Earl Joseph and Alex Norton, Hyperion Research
4:45 PM       Quantum Computing Research Findings, Bob Sorensen, Hyperion Research

5:00 PM       Meeting Ends

6:30 PM       Special Dinner Event at the Advanced Photon Source (Building 409)


Wednesday, September 11

8:10 AM       Welcome: Paul Muzio, Rupak Biswas, Earl Joseph and Steve Conway

Morning Session Chair: Rupak Biswas

8:15 AM       HPDA-AI Research Findings: Steve Conway and Alex Norton, Hyperion Research
8:30 AM       The E3SM MMF Atmosphere General Circulation Model on Hybrid Leadership Architectures, David Bader, LLNL
9:00 AM       Vendor Technical Update: HPE
9:15 AM       Research Using the Blue Waters Supercomputer, Bill Kramer, NCSA
9:45 AM       HPC in Industry, Brendan McGinty, NCSA

10:15 AM     Networking Break

10:45 AM     Special end user presentation
11:15 AM     Innovative Technologies Panel Session, Earl Joseph, Hyperion Research (chair)

12:00 PM     Networking Lunch

Afternoon Session Chair: Keith Gray

1:00 PM       HPC at BP, Keith Gray
1:30 PM       The ANL Exascale Training Program, Ray Loy, ANL

2:00 PM      Using Graphs for Unstructured Data, Keshav Pingali, TACC
2:30 PM       New AI Hardware Efforts around the World, Alex Norton, Hyperion Research

3:45 PM       Networking Break

3:15 PM       Urban Center for Computation and Data, Charlie Catlett, ANL
3:45 PM       Vendor technology update

4:00 PM       AI and Smart Cities special speaker
4:30 PM       How the Results of Summit and Sierra are Influencing Exascale, Al Geist, ORNL
5:00 PM       Meeting Wrap-Up, Paul Muzio, Rupak Biswas, Earl Joseph and Steve Conway

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