Immersion Cooling Steps Up for HPC Clusters

“The race is hotting up for immersive cooling in HPC, with two major announcements concerning submerged HPC clusters. A consortium of Austrian research organizations has ordered a high performance cluster from ClusterVision, that will use Green Revolution’s mineral oil submerged cooling solution. At the same time, 3M announced a “proof of concept” submerged HPC cluster, in collaboration with Intel and SGI, that uses two-phase immersion cooling technology.”

Catalyst Supercomputer at Livermore Open for Big Data Innovation

“The increased storage capacity of the system (in both volatile and nonvolatile memory) represents the major departure from classic simulation-based computing architectures common at DOE laboratories and opens new opportunities for exploring the potential of combining floating point focused capability with data analysis in one environment. The machine’s expanded DRAM and fast, persistent NVRAM are well suited to a broad range of big data problems including bioinformatics, business analytics, machine learning and natural language processing.”

Mellanox Rolls Out Software-Defined FCoE Switch Solution

Today Mellanox announced the world’s fastest and most efficient Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) switching solution.

Video: Signature Verbs Extension

In this video from the OpenFabrics International Developer Workshop 2014, Rich Graham from Mellanox presents: Signature Verbs Extension.

Video: Shared Memory Communications Over RDMA (SMC-R) Update

“SMC-R is an open sockets over RDMA protocol that provides transparent exploitation of RDMA (for TCP based applications) while preserving key functions and qualities of service from the TCP/IP ecosystem that enterprise level servers/network depend on.”

Video: iWARP Update from OpenFabrics Workshop

In this video from the OpenFabrics International Developer Workshop 2014, Brian Hausauer from Intel presents an iWARP Update. “The Internet Wide Area RDMA Protocol (iWARP) is a computer networking protocol for transferring data efficiently. It is sometimes referred to simply as “RDMA”, though RDMA is not a feature exclusive to iWARP.”

SHMEM/PGAS Developer Community Feedback

In this video from the OpenFabrics International Developer Workshop 2014, Howard Pritchard from Cray presents: SHMEM/PGAS Developer Community Feedback.

True Scale Fabric Powers HPC Efficiency for VSC-3 Project in Austria

With an emphasis on energy efficiency, VSC-3 has a mission to put Austria’s most powerful supercomputer at the forefront of the Green500 with help from ClusterVision, Green Revolution Cooling, and Intel True Scale InfiniBand.

Video: Exploring NFS/RDMA

In this video from the OpenFabrics International Developer Workshop 2014, Shirley Ma and Chuck Lever from Oracle present: Exploring NFS/RDMA.

OFA to Streamline Verbs Interface

“OpenFabrics Alliance members are working to streamline and make the verbs interface more efficient. Since this is an open source effort this will take some time, but the consensus is that there is too much overhead both in the depth of the call stack and in the size of associated data structures for verbs to scale well in the exascale era.”