Search Results for: fff

Survey Shows DDN as HPC Storage Market Leader

Today DDN announced that it fortified its position as the HPC storage market leader during 2015. According to a recently published Intersect360 Research HPC User Site Census report, DDN has largest share of installed systems at surveyed HPC sites.

Job of the Week: Lead HPC Engineer/Cloud Engineer at Simply Biotech

Simply Biotech in San Diego is seeking a Lead HPC Engineer/Cloud Engineer in our Job of the Week.

Tianhe-1A Supercomputer Shuts Down After Catastrophic Blast in China

A warehouse explosion in the city of Tianjin has killed 17 people, resulting in a shutdown of the nearby Tianhe-1A supercomputer. Not to be confused with the Tianhe-2 system (currently ranked at #1), the 2.57 Petaflop Tianhe-1A system is currently #24 on the June 2015 TOP500 list.

Slidecast: Vectorize or Die – Unlocking Performance

“The free ride of faster performance with increased clock speeds is long gone. Software must be both threaded and vectorized to fully utilize today’s and tomorrow’s hardware. But modernization is not without cost. Not all threading or vectorization designs are worthwhile. How do you choose which designs to implement without disrupting ongoing development? Learn how data driven threading and vectorization design can yield long term performance growth with less risk and more impact.”

Video: Software Tools for Intel Xeon Phi Co-processors

In this video, Vadim Karpusenko from Colfax International describes the software tools for developing applications for Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. The session begins with software that is necessary to boot coprocessors and to run pre-compiled executables on them.

Replay: GTC 2015 Keynote by Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang

This week insideHPC will be streaming live keynotes from the GPU Technology Conference in San Jose. Today’s opening keynote will feature Jen-Hsun Huang, Nvidia CEO and Co-Founder and Elon Musk, founder and CEO of the Tesla Motor company.”

insideHPC to Livestream Keynotes from GPU Technology Conference

We are pleased to announce that insideHPC will be streaming live keynotes next week from the GPU Technology Conference in San Jose.

Video: Fujitsu HPC Gateway to Desktop Supercomputing

In this video, Fujitsu CTO Pierre Lagier describes how the company enables customers to access high performance computing capabilities on desktop PCs with the Fujitsu HPC Gateway and the Intel Cluster Ready program.

Interview: Advancing Computational Chemistry with NWChem

“The notion of High Performance Computing is evolving over time. So what was deemed a leadership class computer five years ago is a little bit obsolete. We are talking about the evolution not only in the hardware but also in the programming models because there are more and more cores available. Orchestrating the calculations in the way that can effectively take advantage of parallelism takes a lot of thinking and a lot of redesign of the algorithms behind the calculations.”

Slidecast: MPI-3 Is Here – Optimize and Perform with Intel MPI Tools

In this video, Gergana Slavova from Intel looks at how Intel MPI Tools can speed your codes on HPC Clusters.