Gordon Bell gave this Invited Talk at SC17. “A globally recognized pioneer in the supercomputing world, Bell will be sharing his latest reflections and insights with his fellow scientists, engineers and researchers at SC17 in Denver. Bell will highlight the work of the winners of the ACM Gordon Bell Prize from the past 30 years. Presented by the ACM, the recipients’ achievements have chronicled the important innovations and transitions of high performance computing, including the rise of parallel computing, a computing architecture that breaks down problems into smaller ones that may be solved simultaneously.”
Podcast: John Gustafson on What’s Next for Parallel Computing
In this podcast from Radio New Zealand, John Gustafson from the A*STAR Agency for Science, Technology and Research discusses parallelism and high performance computing. Gustafson is the father of Gustafson’s Law, which gives the theoretical speedup in latency of the execution of a task at fixed execution time that can be expected of a system whose resources are improved.
Balancing Amdahl’s Law vs. Gustafson-Barsis’ Law
The two laws of parallel performance quantify strong versus weak scalability and illustrate the balancing act that is parallel optimization.