In this video from the 4th Annual MVAPICH User Group, DK Panda from Ohio State University presents: Overview of the MVAPICH Project and Future Roadmap. “This talk will provide an overview of the MVAPICH project (past, present and future). Future roadmap and features for upcoming releases of the MVAPICH2 software family (including MVAPICH2-X, MVAPICH2-GDR, MVAPICH2-Virt, MVAPICH2-EA and MVAPICH2-MIC) will be presented. Current status and future plans for OSU INAM, OEMT and OMB will also be presented.”
Call for Participation & Student Travel Support: MVAPICH User Group
The MVAPICH User Group (MUG) meeting has issued its Call for Participation and Student Travel Support. The event takes place August 15-17 in Columbus, Ohio. “Student travel grant support is available for all students (Ph.D./M.S./Undergrad) from U.S. academic institutions to attend MUG ’16 through a funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF).”
New Version of RDMA-Spark Runs Native InfiniBand and RoCE
Fans of High Performance Data Analytics got a boost today with news that the High-Performance Big Data (HiBD) team at Ohio State University has released RDMA-Apache-Spark 0.9.1.
Agenda Posted for HPCAC Brazil Conference, Aug. 26
The HPC Advisory Council has posted their agenda for the 2nd Annual HPCAC Brazil Conference 2015. The event will take place Aug. 26 at Laboratório Nacional de Computação in Rio de Janeiro.
Video: Accelerating Big Data Processing with Hadoop, Spark and Memcached
“Using the publicly available software packages in the High-Performance Big Data (HiBD) project, we will provide case studies of the new designs for several Hadoop/Spark/Memcached components and their associated benefits. Through these case studies, we will also examine the interplay between high performance interconnects, storage systems (HDD and SSD), and multi-core platforms to achieve the best solutions for these components.”