Archives for May 2008

LS-DYNA teams with Evergrid for transparent checkpointing

Evergrid and Livermore Software Technology (makers of LS-DYNA) announced this week they’ve team up to integrate Evergrid’s Availability Services into LS-DYNA With the combination of Evergrid AvS and LS-DYNA, customers can checkpoint a running job at any time during execution without stopping or pausing the job. The job can also be preempted for a higher […]

CUDA coding contest

News from NVIDIA this week about the first ever CUDA coding contest; this first contest is to write an GPU optimized MP3 LAME encoder: NVIDIA Corporation today announced the launch of the inaugural CUDA Coding Contest, designed to seek out the most talented CUDA programmers in the world. Live today on CUDA Zone (, the […]

HyperWorks platform opened to third party developers

News from Altair about changes in their HyperWorks platform. First, what is HyperWorks? HyperWorks is a suite of enterprise analytic applications that includes statistical, database, visualization and simulation software to help companies make better business decisions. Altair is extending the Hyperworks Platform from 28 internally developed solutions to 43 with the addition of new ISV […]

Trolling for patent gems with Star-P

This just in from ISC today Vienna-based Matrixware Information Services is using Interactive Supercomputing, Inc.’s (ISC) Star-P® software to tackle the ever-growing challenge of finding patent information hidden in the world’s vast patent databases and libraries. The Austrian company employs a team of computer engineers, mathematicians, linguists and patent specialists to help companies mine patent […]

IBM buys into the HPC interface

Some of you may have been forced to sit through one of the religious sermons I’ve delivered over the past several years proselytizing the idea that HPC has a really big problem: our interface sucks. I mean, a command line. Really? The problem is not that the command line is inherently hard. The problem is […]

Feeding the hungry with better rice

You all know I’m an HPC cheerleader, and a sucker for applications of HPC into every day life. It doesn’t get much more everyday for the 3 billion people worldwide who rely on rice as a primary food source than rice production. The news from IBM The University of Washington and IBM’s World Community Grid […]

Supplemental funding update

Just to carry through news posted at the CRA’s blog last week while I was traveling, Thursday they let us know that the House didn’t include any additional money for science in fiscal 2008, but the Senate version does. The Senate version, which is scheduled to have floor time next week, also includes $1.2 billion […]

Spelling out the benefits of cloud computing for organizations

This is a handy quick reference on some of the reasons that cloud computing will be important for business intelligence (and other data processed applications) as well as in my opinion other kinds of enterprise and scientific computing. Here are the major points (I’ve combined some of them from the original article). Many of them […]

Microsoft Announces Windows HPC Server 2008 Beta2

Microsoft has announced that it will soon begin shipping the Beta2 of its Windows High Performance Computing Server 2008 product. Beta2 was a big feature push for Microsoft as they strive to compete with several, well-vetted Linux competitors. With Beta 2, we provide a highly available head node that integrates deployment, management, monitoring and diagnostics […]

University of Arizona Buys SGI Altix ICE

The University Information Technology Services [UITS] at the University of Arizona has announced they have purchased an SGI Altix ICE compute platform to augment their existing Altix 4700. The new 1392 core ICE 8200 system will feature water-cooled doors keeping the total air conditioning requirements down to 1.7 tons. We made a decision two years […]