Three GPU Hackathons Going Global with OpenACC

2015-GPU-HackathonsNCSA, ORNL, and CSCS will host a series of three GPU Hackathons in 2015. The events will be designed to help programming teams use OpenACC directives to develop and optimize scalable applications that need to be ported to GPU accelerators.

We are looking for teams of 3-6 developers with a scalable application to port to or optimize on a GPU accelerator. There will be intensive mentoring during each 5-day hands-on workshop, with the goal that the teams leave with applications running on GPUs, or at least with a clear roadmap of how to get there. Our mentors come from national laboratories, universities and vendors, and besides having extensive experience in programming with OpenACC, many of them develop the OpenACC-capable compilers and help define the OpenACC standard.

While GPUs potentially offer accelerated performance for a wide range of applications, the challenge in utilizing such accelerators has been the difficulty in programming them. The OpenACC Directives for Accelerators offers straightforward pragma extensions to C++ and Fortran to address this programming hurdle.

The first Hackathon will take place April 20-24 at NCSA. Team applications are due March 6, 2015.

CSCS will host the next Hackathon July 6-10 and ORNL will host the final event in Switzerland Oct. 19-23.

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  1. Fernanda Foertter says

    Thanks Rich! OLCF and CSCS dates are reversed at the end 🙂