Video: Omni-Path Status, Upstreaming, and Ongoing Work

In this video from the OpenFabrics Workshop, Todd Rimmer from Intel presents: Omni-Path Status, Upstreaming and Ongoing Work.

Intel Omni-Path was first released in early 2016. Omni-Path host and management software is all open sourced. This session will provide an overview of Omni-Path including some of the technical capabilities and performance results as well as some recent industry results.”

The session also highlight some of the areas of change and challenges encountered when adding Omni-Path into Open Fabrics and how they have been addressed as well as ongoing work in order to support Omni-Path within the existing Open Fabrics architecture.”

Todd Rimmer is the Lead Fabric Architect for Intel Omni-Path fabric products. He has 20 Patents issued to date and 4 applied for software, architectures and systems in compute networking, IO and operating systems. Scoped, managed and built products which have been deployed in some of the most demanding customer environments, including DOD, DOE and other leading edge customers.

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