In this video from ISC 2018, Steve Branton from Asetek describes the company’s wide array of liquid cooling solutions for HPC.
With 11 systems the TOP500 including the 9th fastest HPC installation in the world, Asetek’s RackCDU D2C is used by HPC sites worldwide to maximize sustained throughput, decrease energy use and increase cluster density. Asetek is the world-leading provider of cost-effective energy efficient liquid cooling systems for data centers, HPC clusters and high-performance PCs. Asetek’s server solutions are installed at HPC sites globally and incorporated in systems from OEMs such as Aspen, Ciara, Cray, Format, Fujitsu, Intec, Intel, NEC, Penguin and Super Micro.
At ISC 2018, the company company showcased the adaptability of Asetek liquid cooling to a range of heat rejection scenarios by TOP500 HPC installations from around the world will be featured. Both RackCDU D2C rack-level cooling and server level ServerLSL solutions from OEMs will be displayed.
Asetek liquid cooling solutions for HPC data centers include RackCDU D2C (Direct-to-Chip), and ServerLSL (Server Level Sealed Loop). RackCDU D2C provides cooling energy savings greater than 50% and density increases of 2.5x-5x. ServerLSL provides liquid assisted air cooling for server nodes, replacing less efficient air coolers and enabling the servers to incorporate the highest performing CPUs and GPUs.
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