Frédéric Hannoyer Appointed COO of SiPearl, Designer of Europe’s Exascale Chip

Frédéric Hannoyer (48, Ecole Polytechnique Paris, Ecole des Ponts Paris, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) has been appointed chief operating officer of  SiPearl, the microprocessor designer for the European exascale supercomputer. In April, SiPearl signed a technological licensing agreement with Arm, the global semiconductor IP provider, granting the organization access to the Arm Neoverse platform, codenamed […]

Video: Europe’s HPC Strategy

Leonardo Flores from the European Commission gave this talk at the HPC User Forum in Milwaukee. “High-Performance Computing is a strategic resource for Europe’s future as it allows researchers to study and understand complex phenomena while allowing policy makers to make better decisions and enabling industry to innovate in products and services. The European Commission funds projects to address these needs.”

EU/European HPC Plans for the Next Decade

Bob Sorensen from IDC presented this talk at the HPC User Forum. In a recent study, IDC assessed the EU’s progress towards their 2012 action plan and made recommendations for funding exascale systems and fostering industrial HPC in the coming decade.