Chris Willard from Intersect360 Research gave this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. “Intersect360 Research returns with an annual deep dive into the trends, technologies and usage models that will be propelling the HPC community through 2018 and beyond. Emerging areas of focus and opportunities to expand will be explored along with insightful observations needed to support measurably positive decision making within your operations.”
Speeding Workloads at the Dell EMC HPC Innovation Lab
The Dell EMC HPC Innovation Lab, substantially powered by Intel, has been established to provide customers best practices for configuring and tuning systems and their applications for optimal performance and efficiency through blogs, whitepapers and other resources. “Dell is utilizing the lab’s world-class Infrastructure to characterize performance behavior and to test and validate upcoming technologies.”
Selecting HPC Network Technology
“With three primary network technology options widely available, each with advantages and disadvantages in specific workload scenarios, the choice of solution partner that can deliver the full range of choices together with the expertise and support to match technology solution to business requirement becomes paramount.”
HPC Networking Trends in the TOP500
The TOP500 list is a very good proxy for how different interconnect technologies are being adopted for the most demanding workloads, which is a useful leading indicator for enterprise adoption. The essential takeaway is that the world’s leading and most esoteric systems are currently dominated by vendor specific technologies. The Open Fabrics Alliance (OFA) will be increasingly important in the coming years as a forum to bring together the leading high performance interconnect vendors and technologies to deliver a unified, cross-platform, transport-independent software stack.
Video: HPC Trends from the Trenches at Bio-IT World
In this video, Chris Dagdigian from Bioteam delivers his annual assessment of the best, the worthwhile, and the most overhyped information technologies for life sciences at the 2016 Bio-IT World Conference & Expo in Boston. “The presentation tries to recap the prior year by discussing what has changed (or not) around infrastructure, storage, computing, and networks. This presentation will help scientists, leadership and IT professionals understand the basic topics involved in supporting data intensive science.”
Video: Trends and Tech in the HPC Market
In this video from SC15, Dell’s Onur Celebioglu discusses why HPC is now important to a broader group of use cases. He also provides an overview of HPC for research, life sciences and manufacturing. Participants learned more about why HPC, big data and cloud are converging, and how Dell solves challenges in our HPC engineering lab and through collaborative work with other leading technology partners and research institutions.
Trends in HPC Leading to Exascale
Over at the Altair Blog, Bill Nitzberg has started a series of posts looking at the road to Exascale. He starts by looking back at the trends that have lead us to this point, concluding that Exascale infrastructure will require advances in four areas: scale, speed, resilience, and power management.