“This project will make a substantial contribution to advancing wind energy,” said Steve Hammond, NREL’s Director of Computational Science and the principal investigator on the project. “It will advance our fundamental understanding of the complex flow physics of whole wind plants, which will help further reduce the cost of electricity derived from wind energy.”
Meet Apollo – Revolutionizing HPC and the Supercomputer
It’s a different kind of computing world out there. The demand for more compute performance for applications used by engineering, risk modeling, or life sciences is relentless. So, how are you keeping up with modern HPC demands? Meet Apollo – creating next-gen HPC and super-computing.
Video: 1.68 Petaflop Prometheus Supercomputer Comes to Cyfronet
In this video, officials from Cyfronet describe Prometheus, a new HP Apollo 8000 supercomputer with 1.68 Petaflops of peak performance.