Today Eurotech announced the Eurotech Aurora Tigon v4, the flagship product of the Eurotech hybrid HPC systems line that adds support for the second generation Intel Xeon Phi Processor. With up to 72 cores (288 threads) per CPU the Xeon Phi brings new levels of performance in the datacenter: the Tigon is one of the most powerful and power efficient supercomputers on the market, featuring up to 18.432 CPU cores and 256 Nvidia Kepler GPUs at less than 100KW per rack.
Eurotech HiVe HPC System Adds ARM CPUs
This week at SC15, Eurotech announced that their HiVe HPC system is now available with x86 and ARM-64 based processors. The HiVe supercomputer leverages a new original high performance computing system architecture combining extreme density and best-in-class energy efficiency.
DEEP Project Unveils 500 Teraflop Prototype
The EU-funded DEEP Project has unveiled their innovative HPC platform: a 500 TFlop/s prototype system that implements a Cluster-Booster concept that has a lot in common with a turbocharged engine. The prototype operates with a full system software stack and programming environment engineered for performance and ease of use.
How the QPACE 2 Supercomputer is Solving Quantum Physics with Intel Xeon Phi
In this special guest feature from Scientific Computing World, Tilo Wettig from the University of Regensburg in Germany describes the unusual design of a supercomputer dedicated to solving some of the most arcane issues in quantum physics.
DEEP Project Moves Towards Exascale at ISC 2015
“With this delivery, the DEEP consortium can leverage a supercomputer with a peak performance of 505 TFlop/s and an efficiency of over 3 GFlop/s per Watt. The Eurotech hot water cooling solution allows for additional permanent gains in energy efficiency at data centre level as it guarantees year-round free cooling in all climate zones. The system includes a matching innovative software stack, and six carefully selected grand challenge simulation applications have been optimized to show the full performance potential of the system.”
Eurotech QPACE2 Supercomputer Ranks 379 on TOP500
Last week at ISC 2015, Eurotech announced that the company has completed the installation of a new supercomputer prototype at the University of Regensburg. With 15,872 compute cores, the QPACE2 supercomputer is ranked #370 on the June 15 TOP500 list.