HPC News Bytes 20230814: Linux Wars, China and Chips, Intel AVX, Gordon Bell Prize Finalists

A happy August Monday morning to you. It was an interesting week for supercomputing news, and Shahin and Doug share the highlights of recent developments: Linux Wars continue: Oracle, SUSE, and CIQ form Open Enterprise Linux Association (watch for upcoming episodes on @HPCpodcast on this); China’s tech companies place $5 billion of orders on US chips; Intel improves hardware for on-chip AVX (or APX) vector instructions; 2023 Gordon Bell Prize Finalists also point to TOP500

Hyperion: Applications Open for HPC Innovation Excellence Awards

Aug. 7, 2023 — Hyperion Research and the HPC User Forum Steering Committee announced that applications are open for the HPC Innovation Excellence Awards, to be presented during SC23 in Denver this November. 11-17 Applications must be submitted by Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023 to be eligible for SC23 (submissions past the deadline will be kept on file […]

Members of ECP’s Industry Council in Panel at SC23 on Exascale Computing’s Impact on Industry

July 31, 2023 — At SC23, there will be a panel discussion titled “The Impact of Exascale and the Exascale Computing Project on Industry“ featuring members of Exascale Computing Project’s Industry and Agency Council (IAC), who will discuss how the ECP and the move to exascale computing is impacting industry’s current and planned use of […]

Women in HPC Opens Submissions to 16th Annual Workshop at SC23

Oxford, UK – June 28, 2023 – Women in HPC has announced the call for early career speakers to feature at WHPC’s SC23 Workshop.  Taking place on November 13, 2023 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, this will be the 16th workshop is dedicated to increasing diversity, equity and inclusion within the supercomputing community. […]

Women’s History Month: 5 Things I’ve Learned from More than 40 Women in HPC

In celebration of Women’s History Month, SC23 in March is posting profiles of more than 40 women in the field.  Here’s what the project’s lead volunteer, Cristin Merritt, has learned along the way: I’ve always been a big believer in contributing to positive change. So in 2021, I got the opportunity to volunteer for the Supercomputing (SC) conference series and for the past three years I’ve been part of the communications and media team. I’ve been able to do….

OmniScale Media Selected as SC23 Strategic Communications Partner 

Vancouver, WA – March 21, 2023 – OmniScale Media, a media agency focused on advanced computing technology companies, today announced a new partnership with SC23, the ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis. The partnership aims to elevate the visibility and reach of the SC23 conference, taking place in Denver, CO […]