The UK government announced it will invest £106 million for five hubs to develop the use of quantum technology in medical scanners, secure communication networks and next-gen positioning systems. The hubs, which will work with industry partners ….
UKRI Awards ARCHER2 Supercomputer Services Contract
UKRI has awarded contracts to run elements of the next national supercomputer, ARCHER2, which will represent a significant step forward in capability for the UK’s science community. ARCHER2 is provided by UKRI, EPCC, Cray (an HPE company) and the University of Edinburgh. “ARCHER2 will be a Cray Shasta system with an estimated peak performance of 28 PFLOP/s. The machine will have 5,848 compute nodes, each with dual AMD EPYC Zen2 (Rome) 64 core CPUs at 2.2GHz, giving 748,544 cores in total and 1.57 PBytes of total system memory.”