Archives for September 2015

Job of the Week: HPC R&D Engineer at ARM in Austin

ARM in Austin is seeking an HPC R&D Engineer in our Job of the Week.

Video: Leveraging Containers in Elastic Environments

In this video from the Disruptive Technologies session at the 2015 HPC User Forum, Nick Ihli from Adaptive Computing presents: Leveraging Containers in Elastic Environments.

SC16 Chair Calls for HPC Organizations to Create Diversity Pages

High Performance Computing has long been dominated by men, but there seems to be little hard data as to how our HPC community really looks in terms of diversity. Over at, John West calls for every HPC center, company, and research organization to create a diversity page that reflects the current state of their institution.

Exascale Panel Discussion from HPCAC Spain Conference

In this video from the 2015 HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference, Gilad Shainer moderates a panel discussion on Exascale computing.

IBM Cloud Services vs Amazon EC2

High Performance Computing (HPC) in the cloud has become a hot topic with new offerings targeted at this market. The demands of technical computing professional to use the cloud for HPC workloads are different than that of a general enterprise software requirement. Performance is key, which requires a different infrastructure at the cloud providers premises.

Video: Dell’s New HPC Vision, Strategy, and Plans

Jim Ganthier from Dell presented this talk at the HPC User Forum. “Dell HPC solutions are deployed across the globe as the computational foundation for industrial, academic and governmental research critical to scientific advancement and economic and global competitiveness. With the richness of the Dell enterprise portfolio, HPC customers are increasingly relying on Dell HPC experts to provide integrated, turnkey solutions and services resulting in enhanced performance, reliability and simplicity.”

ExaNeSt Technology: Targeting Exascale in 2018

Peter Hopton from Iceotope presented this talk at the HPC User Forum. “ExaNeSt will develop, evaluate, and prototype the physical platform and architectural solution for a unified Communication and Storage Interconnect and the physical rack and environmental structures required to deliver European Exascale Systems. The consortium brings technology, skills, and knowledge across the entire value chain from computing IP to packaging and system deployment; and from operating systems, storage, and communication to HPC with big data management, algorithms, applications, and frameworks. Building on a decade of advanced R&D, ExaNeSt will deliver the solution that can support exascale deployment in the follow-up industrial commercialization phases.”

Out of Core Solvers on a Cluster

One of the most used algorithms in numerical simulation is the solving of large, dense matrices. Thermal analysis, boundary element methods and electromagnetic wave calculations all depend on the ability to solve these large matrices as fast as possible. The ability to use a coprocessor such as the Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor will greatly speed up these calculations.

LBNL to Improve Batteries with Electrolyte Genome Project

A new breakthrough battery — one that has significantly higher energy, lasts longer, and is cheaper and safer — will likely be impossible without a new material discovery. And a new material discovery could take years, if not decades, since trial and error has been the best available approach. But Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) scientist Kristin Persson says she can take some of the guesswork out of the discovery process with her Electrolyte Genome.

Video: HPC Tools to Discover New Drugs

“Intelligent Pharma is a biotechnology company dedicated to developing, commercializing and using new computational technologies for drug discovery. According to our clients’ needs, we carry out customized computational chemistry projects using cutting-edge technologies.”