Archives for 2016

Call for Sessions and Registration: OpenFabrics Workshop in Austin

The OpenFabrics Alliance (OFA) has issued its Call for Sessions for its 13th annual OFA Workshop. Registration is now open for the event, which takes place March 27-31, 2017 in Austin, TX.

Seeking Student Volunteers for ISC 2017 in Frankfurt

The ISC 2017 conference is seeking Student Volunteers. The conference takes place June 19-21, 2017 in Frankfurt, Germany.

Green Revolution Cooling Gets New CEO and Partners with Heat Transfer Solutions

Today, Green Revolution Cooling (GRC) announced a strategic partnership with Heat Transfer Solutions (HTS), the largest independent HVAC manufacturers’ representative in North America. “To lead GRC into its next stage of development, Peter Poulin has been appointed as the company’s new CEO. Poulin is a 30-year IT industry veteran, having spent the first half of his career in various sales, marketing, and general management roles at Compaq Computer Corporation.”

Video: Sand Casting Simulation for Manufacturing

In this video courtesy of DENIZCILLER, the sand casting process is simulated with ESI ProCAST and QuikCAST. “Simulations like this help foundry engineers understand how metal expands and contracts during the casting process, thereby predicting the final locations of shrinkage porosity. Several other possible defects can occur during a casting process causing imperfection to the final product. To reduce or eliminate these defects, a well-designed gating and feeding system needs to be developed.”

GPU Accelerated Servers for Deep Learning Applications

Applications such as machine learning and deep learning require incredible compute power, and these are becoming more crucial to daily life every day. These applications help provide artificial intelligence for self-driving cars, climate prediction, drugs that treat today’s worst diseases, plus other solutions to more of our world’s most important challenges. There is a multitude of ways to increase compute power but one of the easiest is to use the most powerful GPUs.

Podcast: LLNL’s Lori Diachin Reviews the SC16 Technical Program

“I think the most important thing I’d like people to know about SC16 is that it is a great venue for bringing the entire community together, having these conversations about what we’re doing now, what the environment looks like now and what it’ll look like in five, ten fifteen years. The fact that so many people come to this conference allows you to really see a lot of diversity in the technologies being pursued, in the kinds of applications that are being pursued – from both the U.S. environment and also the international environment. I think that’s the most exciting thing that I think about when I think about supercomputing.”

New Genomics Method Forms the Second Line of Plant Defense

Researchers at the Earlham Institute (EI), The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL) and the James Hutton Institute, have found a new way to decipher these large stretches of DNA to discover and annotate pathogen resistance in plants. “Using the PacBio, which can read longer stretches of DNA in their entirety, along with the developed NB-LRR gene workflow “RenSeq” (Resistance gene enrichment sequencing), the data not only targets R genes, but also the important regulatory regions of DNA – promoters and terminators that signal when to start making a protein and when to stop.”

Parallware: LLVM-Based Tool for Guided Parallelization with OpenMP

Manuel Arenaz from Appentra presented this talk at the OpenMP booth at SC16. “Parallware is a new technology for static analysis of programs based on the production-grade LLVM compiler infrastructure. Using a fast, extensible hierarchical classification scheme to address dependence analysis, it discovers parallelism and annotates the source code with the most appropriate OpenMP & OpenACC directives.”

Radio Free HPC Year End Review of 2016 Predictions

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at how Shahin Khan fared with his OrionX 2016 Technology Issues and Predictions. “Here at, we are fortunate to work with tech leaders across several industries and geographies, serving markets in Mobile, Social, Cloud, and Big Data (including Analytics, Cognitive Computing, IoT, Machine Learning, Semantic Web, etc.), and focused on pretty much every part of the “stack”, from chips to apps and everything in between. Doing this for several years has given us a privileged perspective. We spent some time to discuss what we are seeing and to capture some of the trends in this blog.”

Thread and Memory Scaling Beyond Multicores

In this video, Stefanos Kaxiras from Uppsala University presents: Thread and Memory Scaling Beyond Multicores. “This talk will present the ArgoDSM, a modern, highly-scalable, user-level, distributed shared memory system for clusters. While DSMs have their roots in high-performance computing where the scaling of threads (computation) is the goal, we are witnessing a tremendous interest in Big Data workloads where memory scaling is the target. I will describe how ArgoDSM bridges these two worlds and forms a vehicle for research in Big Data and HPC alike.”