Archives for 2015

Call for Papers: EMiT 2016 Emerging Technologies Conference

The EMiT 2016 Emerging Technologies Conference has issued its Call for Papers. Hosted by the Mont-Blanc project and the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, the event takes place June 2-3, 2016 in Barcelona.

Video: Profiling at Scale

“Developers of modern HPC applications face a challenge when scaling out their hybrid (MPI/OpenMP) applications. As cluster sizes continue to grow, the amount of analysis data collected can easily become overwhelming when going from 10s to 1000s of ranks and it’s tough to identify which are the key metrics to track. There is a need for a lightweight tool that aggregates the performance data in a simple and intuitive way, provides advice on next optimizations steps, and hones in on performance issues. We’ll discuss a brand new tool that helps quickly gather and analyze statistics up to 100,000 ranks. We’ll give examples of the type of pertinent information collected at high core counts, including memory and counter usage, MPI and OpenMP imbalance analysis, and total communication vs. computation time. We’ll work through analyzing an application and effective ways to manage the data.”

Call for Papers: InterCloud-HPC 2016 in Austria

The InterCloud-HPC 2016 conference has issued its Call for Papers. As part of The International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2016), the event takes place July 18-22 in Innsbruck, Austria.

Video: The SeqAn C++ Library for Efficient NGS Sequence Analysis

“SeqAn ( is an open-source C++ template library (BSD license) that implements many efficient and generic data structures and algorithms for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) analysis. It contains gapped k-mer indices, enhanced suffix arrays (ESA) or an (bidirectional) FM-index, as well algorithms for fast and accurate alignment or read mapping. Based on those data types and fast I/O routines, users can easily develop tools that are extremely efficient and easy to maintain. Besides multi-core, the research team at Freie Universität Berlin has started generic support for distinguished accelerators such as Intel Xeon Phi in a new IPCC. In this talk we will introduce SeqAn and its generic design, describe successful applications that use SeqAn, and describe how SeqAn will incorporate SIMD and multicore parallelism for its core data structures using the pairwise alignment module as an example.”

HPC Facility in London Named After Dr Rosalind Franklin

A new high performance computing and cloud facility has been unveiled by scientists in London, named after Dr Rosalind Franklin, the unsung heroine of elucidating the double-helix structure of DNA. “Before Rosalind, if we wanted to analyze the data from 500 DNA samples it would have taken us approximately six months, now with the launch of Rosalind it will take only a week.”

Video: InfiniBand Trade Association Update

Bill Lee presented this talk at the Mellanox booth at SC15. “The IBTA is responsible for compliance and interoperability testing of commercial products and has successfully added hundreds of products to its Integrators’ List. The IBTA unites the industry through IBTA-sponsored technical events and resources, and actively promotes InfiniBand from a vendor-neutral perspective through online communications, marketing and public relations engagements.”

Obsidian Introduces Global InfiniBand Fabrics

In this video, Dr. David Southwell from Obsidian Strategics discusses conventional InfiniBand technology and goes on to describe how the company’s Longbow, Crossbow and Bowman devices enable what is generally considered as an ‘indoor use only’ protocol to be deployed at scale with security over global distances. The resulting Global InfiniBand Fabrics can be used for a variety of purposes including technical computing, big data migration and streaming distribution.

Job of the Week: HPC Algorithm and Software Engineer for Energy Systems at NREL

NREL in Golden, Colorado is seeking an HPC Algorithm and Software Engineer for Energy Systems in our Job of the Week.

Save up to 20 Percent on Travel to ISC 2016 Through the Star Alliance

Are you planning to ISC 2016 in June? Special flight discounts are now available through Star Alliance member airlines.

Video: Enabling Application Portability across HPC Platforms

“In this presentation, we will discuss several important goals and requirements of portable standards in the context of OpenMP. We will also encourage audience participation as we discuss and formulate the current state-of-the-art in this area and our hopes and goals for the future. We will start by describing the current and next generation architectures at NERSC and OLCF and explain how the differences require different general programming paradigms to facilitate high-performance implementations.”